ScarySMS has been updated !
You can now enter YOUR OWN CUSTOM FAKE SMS TEXT message in YOUR LANGUAGE of choice ! Makes it even easier to trap your friends !
scarySMS 1.1 comes with these cool new features you asked for:
- Editable message text ! You can now enter YOUR OWN CUSTOM SMS TEXT message !
- makes it even easier to trap your friends !
- enables you to enter a message in YOUR LANGUAGE !
- Better scream sound
- Reworked scary picture
Note: to revert back to the original message, simply save an empty text (click “clear” and then “done” in editing mode)
scarySMS is a screamer / joke / fun / scare-your-friends application for your iPhone / iPod and is available for download here. Get scarySMS now, scare your friends before they scare you !!
Yves Applications, iPhone, QuickTasks, ScarySMS fun, joke, scare, scary, screamer, sms, trap
Today, scarySMS got reviewed and highly recommended (5 stars out of 5 in categories “fun” and “graphics”) by Application iPhone.
Here’s what they say about scarySMS : “during lunch with a friend I got him to wet himself with his coke thanks to scarySMS” (now that’s coool !) 🙂
Thanks guys for this very nice review, I’m glad you liked scarySMS so much !
The complete scarySMS review on Application iPhone can be found here.
(Get scarySMS from the AppStore now or learn more about scarySMS).
Yves Games, iPhone, ScarySMS recommended, review
scarySMS is a “scare-your-friends” application for iPhone / iPod touch !
scarySMS displays a fake SMS message window looking exactly like the original one, and after a few seconds, or whenever any button is touched, the display changes to a scary picture (with a “nice” scream sound / vibration too!).
Use scarySMS to scare your friends, colleagues, girlfriend / boyfriend or anyone you wish !
scarySMS has been thoroughly tested on many innocent victims… it works perfectly 😉
Try scarySMS NOW ! Don’t be a victim, scare them before they scare you ! 😉
Get scarySMS from the AppStore now !
You can learn more about ScarySMS here.
Yves Applications, iPhone, ScarySMS entertainment, fake, fun, joke, scare, scary, screamer, trap
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